Kaj z družinskimi slikami?
Iskanje ideje kako postaviti družinske slike v prostor, kjer
se največ dogaja (dnevno sobo, jedilnico, kuhinjo). Po brskanju spletnih strani sem našla to
Družinsko drevo s slikami s spletne strani www.alibaba.com ... Hmmm, ni slabo,
kaj torej storiti? Naročiti nalepko.... Iskati slike in jih dodati temu
drevesu.... Po neuspešnem iskanju takšne velikosti nalepke, ki bi bila
prostorsko primerna, sem se odločila drevo enostavno narisati. Prva pot je
torej vodila v trgovino po barvo. Izbrala sem temno rjavo. Naslednja naloga je
bila, da se lotim risanja drevesa... Svinčnik in radirka v roke ter začnemo risati
na steno... Tako se je začelo ustvarjanje našega družinskega drevesa...
Čez dan je bilo drevo narisano in
pobarvano :). Sedaj pa je bil potreben še izbor slik. Seveda nisem želela
klasičnega družinskega drevesa, ampak bolj spomin na najlepše družinske trenutke...
Tako je izbira slik bila nekoliko lažja. Poroka, rojstvo hčerke, krst, plavanje
v bazenčku...
Naslednje je bilo izbor
okvirjev... Odločila sem se za klasične tanke okvirje od Ikeje... Barve izbrala
na podlagi barve pohištva rdeča, bela, črna... Potrebno je bilo še določiti kje
obesiti okvirje in zvrtati par lukenj, da se slike obesijo...
Tako, naše družinsko drevo se
ustvarja, počasi bomo dodajali še druge slike :)
What to do with family photos?
What to do with family photos?
Search ideas how
to put family pictures in a place where the most is happening (living room, dining room, kitchen). After browsing the web sites
I found these ideas:
Family tree with pictures from the web page www.alibaba.com... Hmmm, not bad, so what to do? Order stickers
.... Search pictures and add them to this tree .... After an unsuccessful
search for this size of stickers, which would be spatial adequate, I decided to
simple draw a tree. The first path therefore led to the shop to get color. I
chose a dark brown. The next task was about drawing the tree ... pencil and
eraser in hand and start drawing on the wall ... Thus began the creation of our
family tree ...
During the day the tree was drawn and painted
:). Now it
was necessary for a selection of images. Of course I
didn't wanted the classic family tree, but rather a memory of the most beautiful family moments ... Thus,
the choice of images was a little bit easier. Marriage, birth of our daughter, baptism, first swimming
in the pool ...
Next was a selection of frames ... I decided
for classical thin
frames from Ikea
... The colors chosen
on the basis of furniture colors red, white, black ...
It was necessary to further determine where to hang
frames and drilled
a couple of holes to hung the frames with images ...
So our family tree is created, we will slowly add
other pictures :)
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